We all know that "cleanliness is next to godliness". We've been studying this since our childhood. We apply this everywhere in our daily routine. Because we know the ill effects of being unclean or dirty. Deleterious effects of untidiness are what our moms have been telling us since we were in school. But still we ignore cleanliness of our oral cavity i.e our mouth. Admit it, we all have tried skipping brushing our teeth early morning before school at least once in our lifetime. But this is wrong, as that one time becomes many times in our adulthood thinking that nothing happens to our teeth even if we neglect it. Not only diseases of our oral cavity but overall body health depends on our oral hygiene. Let us learn risks of poor oral hygiene. 
  • CARIES! the most obvious one. A small or large amount of destruction of our tooth causes pain and discomfort. If ignored for a long time, the tooth breaks and weakens making it useless for the main function, chewing. Furthermore, the tooth needs to be removed from the mouth as it causes infection below its own root causing some amount of bone dissolution.
  • GUM INFECTIONS! Of course, if all the debris is accumulated on the tooth surfaces, it gets deposited on and under the gums too. Our gums lose their shiny pink color to become black or dark red. Gums become soft, loosen up around the tooth causing the tooth to become movable. The gum starts moving down exposing the root surface of the tooth causing sensitivity in the tooth. (agar apke daato me tez jhanjhanahat ho to usey sensitivity kehte hai)
  • BONE INFECTIONS! sometimes infections from a carious tooth spread down to the bone causing it to dissolve. Bone loss causes loosening of the tooth and consequently tooth loss. It also then becomes difficult to go for implants or fabrication of dentures.
  • BAD ODOR! we never want to go to a garbage yard because of the foul smell, do we? How would it then feel like to have a bad odor from your mouth? No one would like to talk to us and it can be embarrassing. This can happen due to poor oral hygiene, certain foods, habits, or health conditions.

Well, these are just some daily problems we face, solutions to these are quite simple if not ignored for a long time. Treatment for these problems is still possible and easy enough to be treated. But have you ever thought that if these problems are not treated soon, what would happen?

  • HEART DISORDERS! have you ever thought of this? Well, I guess no. But the fact is that poor dental health increases the risk of a bacterial infection in the bloodstream which can affect the heart valves. Oral health may be particularly important if you have artificial heart valves.
  • STOMACH DISORDER! this seems kinda obvious. Mal-aligned, decayed, and missing teeth can compromise the ability to chew food leading to possible digestive issues. Everything that we eat goes straight into our stomach. This causes our stomach to work a bit harder leading to digestive disorders.
  • DIABETES! yes, this too! If you suffer from diabetes you need to be extra careful with your oral health. Diabetes weakens the white blood cells, which are the body's main defense against the bacterial infections that can occur in the mouth. It also thickens the blood vessels, slowing down the flow of nutrients to the mouth along with the elimination of the waste from the mouth. Thus, the oral bacterial infections of a diabetic person lead to a reduction in the body's ability to fight them along with poor healing of gums after the treatment.
  • CANCER! we all know mukesh shown in commercials before our favorite movies, where he loses his battle to oral cancer. Tobacco consumption has harmful effects on the gums, cheeks, teeth, tongue, and palate. And poor oral hygiene is like icing on the cake for the conditions to become favorable for cancer.

So basically, it is now proven that to lead a healthy life, one needs to look after the oral hygiene and maintain it throughout the life at its best so that you might not ever need to cut down on eating your favorite and delicious food!

"Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you"


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