

  Does your smile look like this?   THINK! NO? why? Do your teeth appear yellow in color? Are your teeth crooked? Is any of your tooth missing? Do you think you have dental caries? Don't worry! We are here to help you get a perfect smile. WHAT DOES A PERFECT SMILE LOOK LIKE?                          Well, not every perfect smile looks like the one above, which does not mean we don't have it, each of us has a unique one!                          Here's a fact, there are about 19 types of smiles. Admit it we all want to look great in those. Trends come and go when it comes to what you wear, but when it about the perfect smile, that's timeless. The smile that you wear reflects your emotions, and the last thing that you want to do is hold your hand over your mouth and cover it up. A smile should be beaming out to the world!         ...


DO YOU HAVE CAVITIES? WHAT ARE THESE? "Half knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance" We all have seen television commercials explaining cavities on teeth. Well yes, some of it is true but yet incomplete. Food entrapment between teeth or deposited around teeth has been one of the most common problems faced by a common man since a very long time. We feel like why this happens because it creates difficulties while maintaining oral hygiene. Well, even strong material like cement needs a foundation to set, it cannot remain hard and set on smooth flat surfaces. Same goes with the tooth. There might be something below the entrapped food that has helped the food to settle down there. There are small spaces where the food gets stuck up. These tiny spaces are called cavities. Cavities are permanently damaged areas on hard surfaces of your tooth that develop into tiny holes or openings. The white shiny enamel of our tooth somewhat gets repaired by using minerals from our saliva or fl...


USING TRICKS TO WHITEN YOUR TEETH? HERE'S THE TRUTH! Admit it, we all have considered whitening teeth at some point, who doesn't want that perfect white smile? People are obsessed with teeth whitening these days, also may be due to the surge of DIY teeth whitening methods and tricks posted online. But what most people are failing to understand are the cons and ineffectiveness of them. Let us break some myths about some tricks. 1. LEMON JUICE AND BAKING SODA. Myth - This is the most common trend using household ingredients like lemons, oranges or apple cider vinegar which are naturally acidic along with an abrasive ingredient like the baking soda which will make the teeth appear whiter and brighter. Fact - This is a total No-No! It's harmful to your teeth. Fruit consumption, in general, is great but the mixture is damaging. The lemon juice will erode your teeth due to its acidic nature and the baking soda will abrade your teeth and this altogether will lead to loss of your t...


  RISKS OF POOR ORAL HYGIENE We all know that "cleanliness is next to godliness". We've been studying this since our childhood. We apply this everywhere in our daily routine. Because we know the ill effects of being unclean or dirty. Deleterious effects of untidiness are what our moms have been telling us since we were in school. But still we ignore cleanliness of our oral cavity i.e our mouth. Admit it, we all have tried skipping brushing our teeth early morning before school at least once in our lifetime. But this is wrong, as that one time becomes many times in our adulthood thinking that nothing happens to our teeth even if we neglect it. Not only diseases of our oral cavity but overall body health depends on our oral hygiene. Let us learn risks of poor oral hygiene.  CARIES! the most obvious one. A small or large amount of destruction of our tooth causes pain and discomfort. If ignored for a long time, the tooth breaks and weakens making it useless for the main func...


What is oral health? Oral health is an indicator of the condition of one's oral cavity, overall health, and well-being. What is oral hygiene? Oral hygiene is the practice of cleaning one's mouth by regular brushing of teeth and keeping it free from disease and other problems. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to prevent dental diseases and bad breath. One can have either good oral hygiene or poor. GOOD HYGIENE vs POOR HYGIENE NOW, WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A GOOD ORAL HYGIENE? Congratulations! you need not do anything except for just maintaining it throughout your life! WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE POOR ORAL HYGIENE? Well, this is something important to think of. You need to improve your oral health compulsorily if you want teeth in your mouth for a lifetime. You wouldn't enjoy laughing with windows between your teeth, would you? Your oral hygiene will be considered poor if you have debris accumulated between your teeth, bleeding or swollen gums, bad mouth odor,...


MOVING TOWARDS THE "NEW NORMAL" What is the "new normal" and what is its effect on Dentistry? The COVID-19 has impacted our lives in many ways we couldn't ever have imagined, the new normal seems to be its by-product and we have to incorporate it in our day to day routine. Dental professionals are subjected to huge risks in this pandemic in terms of the patient treatment. This is an immense challenge which will lead to many changes in the way we treat patients. It's not always easy to adapt to the changes but, this change in particular involves fear. Dentistry is generally classified in the very high-risk category of aerosol production through many aerosol generating procedures. Therefore, there's a huge responsibility on medical professionals to protect the health and safety of the patients, staff and themselves. Well, if we take into consideration, there are innumerable factors, viz., Concern regarding productivity and profitability due to the new prot...