
Showing posts from August, 2020


MOVING TOWARDS THE "NEW NORMAL" What is the "new normal" and what is its effect on Dentistry? The COVID-19 has impacted our lives in many ways we couldn't ever have imagined, the new normal seems to be its by-product and we have to incorporate it in our day to day routine. Dental professionals are subjected to huge risks in this pandemic in terms of the patient treatment. This is an immense challenge which will lead to many changes in the way we treat patients. It's not always easy to adapt to the changes but, this change in particular involves fear. Dentistry is generally classified in the very high-risk category of aerosol production through many aerosol generating procedures. Therefore, there's a huge responsibility on medical professionals to protect the health and safety of the patients, staff and themselves. Well, if we take into consideration, there are innumerable factors, viz., Concern regarding productivity and profitability due to the new prot...


  Does your smile look like this?   THINK! NO? why? Do your teeth appear yellow in color? Are your teeth crooked? Is any of your tooth missing? Do you think you have dental caries? Don't worry! We are here to help you get a perfect smile. WHAT DOES A PERFECT SMILE LOOK LIKE?                          Well, not every perfect smile looks like the one above, which does not mean we don't have it, each of us has a unique one!                          Here's a fact, there are about 19 types of smiles. Admit it we all want to look great in those. Trends come and go when it comes to what you wear, but when it about the perfect smile, that's timeless. The smile that you wear reflects your emotions, and the last thing that you want to do is hold your hand over your mouth and cover it up. A smile should be beaming out to the world!         ...