DO YOU HAVE CAVITIES? WHAT ARE THESE? "Half knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance" We all have seen television commercials explaining cavities on teeth. Well yes, some of it is true but yet incomplete. Food entrapment between teeth or deposited around teeth has been one of the most common problems faced by a common man since a very long time. We feel like why this happens because it creates difficulties while maintaining oral hygiene. Well, even strong material like cement needs a foundation to set, it cannot remain hard and set on smooth flat surfaces. Same goes with the tooth. There might be something below the entrapped food that has helped the food to settle down there. There are small spaces where the food gets stuck up. These tiny spaces are called cavities. Cavities are permanently damaged areas on hard surfaces of your tooth that develop into tiny holes or openings. The white shiny enamel of our tooth somewhat gets repaired by using minerals from our saliva or fl...